Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ha ha Moments

We've all had those moments in life where we hope nobody was looking. You've just done something that you just cannot believe you just did! Oprah talks about "Ah ha Moments". Well, how about Ha ha Moments?

I've had quite a few and if you're friends with me on facebook you know I don't mind sharing my stupidity with others! I figure if you can't laugh at yourself you're a sad individual. No offense! I just think it's better to have a sense of humor. Please allow me to recap some of my more infamous Ha ha moments for you. How about my very favorite moment that I like to call MOMNESIA! You know, when you're pregnant and you have one thing on your mind!......No! not that thing!! Perv!....I'm talking about Babies! Maybe it's just me but when I was pregnant I couldn't think about anything other than babies. Giving birth to babies, dressing babies and feeding babies. What will I name this baby? What will this baby look like? Etc. etc! These are the thoughts that fill my head when I'm pregnant! Everything else is just second nature. Well, almost everything!

Take for instance the everyday trip to Walmart. You go in, you fill your cart with a bunch of over priced crap that you need or don't need and then you add more crap that you don't need to it! It's our lot in life. Once you've conquered that you make your way to one of the 3 out of 25 registers open that day. You find yourself in line behind someone who wants to use 4 different debit or foodstamp cards to pay for the $40 of groceries in her cart! Really? How long will this take!? Let me grab a magazine! Well, there was one particular day when I was 5 months pregnant that I had to make an unnecessary run into Walmart. I needed more tums or something. Who knows! I filled my cart with a few things that I knew we might need in the long run, grabbed a couple of things that looked tastey, a baby magazine and some other pregnancy related items and made my way to the front. I dodged people who wanted to touch my belly and I gave dirty looks to the men who gawked at my pregnant belly. When I walked out into the parking lot I didn't see my Jeep. So I started walking a little further in. Still didn't see it. I walked a few rows over. No jeep. I'm starting to get upset. I'm turning red. I'm thirsty. I look into my cart for something to drink and realize that I didn't pay for my stuff! I SHIT YOU NOT! True Story! Of course, me being Me, I laugh! How on earth did I make it out that front door with a cart full of stuff? did I abandon my cart and haul pregnant butt home? No! I RAN to the other door....the door I didn't come out of, but the door I did park by!! I walked right past the 107 year old greeter and headed straight to a check out! Nobody said a word to me! I thought I would die!! I paid for my stuff and got out of there as quick as I could! And you can bet your sweet cheeks that I don't pass up the cash registers anymore! Ha ha!