Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fightin Words

When my boys were little, before they decided they were too cool to be read to at night, a friend of mine introduced me to a book about a young boy who found out he was a wizard. I was looking for a new book to read to the boys when we were bored or at bedtime. At first I thought it would be too long of a book to keep them interested. But, I bought it and that night when I put them to bed I said "Tonight I'm going to start a new book that will take a long time to read. But Julia says it's a good book! It's called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." And so it began. Our nightly reading turned into something that the boys and I could bond over. We looked forward to the days when it rained and we couldn't go outside! When the oldest boy was old enough he started reading the books on his own and soon after that the movies started being released. We saw every single one on opening night. This is something the boys and I have done together. I cherish the moments. But, recently I was told that I was wrong for participating in the big "Harry Potter bullsh!t". And that it was ridiculous to throw it at my kids. Gasp! Them's Fightin' Words sister!

If there's one thing that gets my blood boiling it's telling someone they are wrong for finding joy in something! Tell a woman who loves chocolate that it's ridiculous to love chocolate! I double dog dare you! Oh! It will not be pleasant! I know witchcraft is taboo to most. But, for me and my boys it wasn't a story about witchcraft. It was a story about overcoming trials in life. Lord knows Harry Potter has met a few! The story has so many good messages! I understand that it isn't for everyone. Love it or hate it! It's up to you! I personally love the books and the movies. Please don't tell me I'm wrong! Please don't tell my boys that having an imagination is a bad thing! We live in a society where teenage boys sit and play violent video games all day and none of them teach these boys that he with the biggest heart will prevail! NO! It's all about he who hath the biggest baddest GUNS! So, excuse the hell out of me for encouraging my boys to pick up a book, use their imagination and find joy in a heartfelt story! And by the way, where'd you get your "Team Edward" shirt? It's nice!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Finger tips and lips

I was recently asked if I was going to have my nails done for the wedding. I normally only get my nails done on a special occasions. But this time I think I might break away from the cookie cutter norm. I think I'm going to paint my own nails! Gasp! I think we'll go with Hot Pink to match my hair and the non-existent shoes I don't have! I tried it out last week, painting my nails. I don't wear nail polish. I wear TOE polish! But I have to say that nail polish is nice in the right color! I currently have a very sassy shade of hot pink topped off with a glitter pink on my fingers and I am in love with myself! I can't stop tapping my fingers on the table! I'm sure it's annoying the heck out of the rest of the people in the house but suck it up Punk! I'm happy! So, there's one decision knocked off the list. I'm painting my own nails! Now as far as makeup goes.....I own eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner. I don't own lipstick. Although I might have a sample of lip gloss that might work. These are things that most brides don't think twice about. I have to ponder for days, maybe even schedule a staff meeting to get it settled! I'm sure it will all work out in the end right? Now do I need to mess with fake lashes because Stripper says I should go for it! But I say "Won't I look goofy?" and more importantly "Who the heck do you think is going to put those things on my eyes?". I belong to a family where a spray tan is a new concept!

Slowing down, Looking up

The past few years have been a time of healing. To say this makes my eyes water a bit. Healing is a long emotional (duh) process but what we don't realize is that it's not just painful for the one healing, it's also painful for the people who support the change. The ones who answer the phone to hear you cry or reassure you over and over and over again that it will be ok! It's painful for the people who listen to you obsess over the "why?" and let's not forget about the partner in crime who helped you get away with stalking and borderline vandalism! Whose got your back baby?! You know! :) So, it's dangerously close to my wedding date and today I'm taking the time to stop obsessing about the minor details that really don't matter at all to acknowledge the people who have made this healing process a little less painful for me. Thank you for being there when you would've rather been doing something else! And let's face it. There were a lot of those times!! Right? And most importantly, THANK YOU GOD FOR BLESSING ME WITH THESE PEOPLE! I am truly honored that they put up me! You of all people know it's because they love me and has squat to do with me being wealthy!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's the silly things Part 2

So, we've chosen a spot to get our spray tan on! Maybe you've heard the jingle if you live in South Bend or the surrounding area, "For the best tan ever, get a FunTan!". It's an annoying little song and bless their heart, it's stuck in my head!! It's clean, the staff is friendly and I guess they are knowledgeable, even though she didn't know what the base color was!( And from what my Mom says you want it to be blue or black! Not red! Red is what turns you orange!) FunTan uses a red base I believe although they call it BRONZE. It sounds better! They offer 3 different levels of bronzeness! Light, Medium and Cuban.......Sorry, I mean Dark! Prices start at 20 bucks and then they offer a pre spray conditioner that opens your pores and probably is the molecular equivalent to water! But I got it and decided to go with the medium level since I am a little darker to begin with. I have to admit I was a little nervous. You've seen the episode of friends where Ross goes into the spray tanning booth and it is a total disaster? Well, I knew that I would end up just like him. I am horrible at following directions. Luckily, you get to watch a quick video of a handsome young man (sorry he's wearing swim shorts) demonstrating how to use the spray tanning equipment. You might be wondering how complicated it can possibly be! Well, I gotta tell ya, I felt like I was going to have to break out some yoga moves at one point! There's this complicated side position that I'm sure if I had a few goes at it I'd master it with the finesse of a ballet dancer! During the video I looked at my sister in law and said "how will we remember these steps?". Well, I will tell ya, while you're in the booth there's a woman's voice telling you what you need to be doing! But pay attention! She ain't messing around! You better assume the position with the quickness because she's going to let that spray fly in seconds! If you don't watch yourself you might get sprayed in the face twice!! Anyway, before you enter the booth, you throw on a plastic shower cap, tuck all of your hair in and make sure your ears aren't covered. Then put the barrier lotion on your hands, the bottom of your feet and your finger nails. This will ensure that your palms and the bottom of your feet don't turn crazy colors! When you're being sprayed it feels like a light mist of water. First, Your front gets sprayed. I automatically wanted to wipe my face at this point! Don't do that or scrunch up your face! You don't want lines! Just relax! Then you turn so your back gets it. Then you turn to your right side and make this goofy pose that looks like some greek god, then to the left. By this time you feel wet! But, at the end of the spray process there's a drying process. I felt like it was drying me but at the same time it didn't feel like it fully dried me. Know what I'm saying. Now that all the spraying and posing and drying is done you step out of the booth CAREFULLY! The bottom of your feet will be wet with spray! I noticed that there were spots on my arms that the spray was pooled. I took my little hand towel and dabbed it dry, being careful not to smear! Remember how I said "It puts the lotion on it's skin and does what it's told?" or something like that! Well, I apparently didn't apply enough barrier lotion because the palms of my hands look very Latino! The bottoms of my feet are just as dark! Did I feel sticky? Ummmm....NOT really, just felt like I put on tanning lotion. My face did feel a little oily though. But it always does if I don't use my oil control goo after I shower. And by the way, before you get your tan on, make sure you exfoliate and skip the lotion! You want to go in there clean and unlotioned! I didn't even put on makeup! Over all, I found the experience enjoyable. Would I do it again? yes and no! I think I would rather have a human spray me to make sure I get an even coat. I'd like my legs and shoulders to be darker too! And I'd rather use a spray that isn't a red base. I don't feel like I'm over the top tan but I normally get a great tan after a couple of trips to the tanning salon. Thank you lord for blessing me with the gift of pigment! This silly little adventure was one of the moments in my life where I stepped out of my comfort zone. I laughed at myself a time or two because there I was naked in an oversized shower booth, holding my breathe and basically doing a dance routine! To me it was funny!

It's the silly things Part 1

Please let me tell you a story about a friend of mine who was wound so tight that she couldn't allow herself to have fun. Laughing at herself was preposterous! Making mistakes was absolutely out of the question and stepping out of her comfort zone was well, a nightmare and she wouldn't do it no matter what! I was a miserable person to live with.....oops. I gave it away. I'm talking about me! Oh! I've come a long way! Now adays I try NOT to take myself too seriously, remind myself that life is way too short and if I make mistakes it's a lesson learned. I laugh at myself, probably more than an adult should but you know what? I'm happy! I've learned that it's the silly things in life that keep me going.

For example. I'm getting married. I don't know if you knew. But, it's a true story and we've got 2 weeks til the big day! Eeek! It's crunch time. I'm making decisions on hair, nails, shoes and etc. Normally, for such an occasion I would trot on down to the local tanning salon and buy a package. But I don't have time for such nonsense and honestly I don't know that my skin can take much more! So, I played with the idea of a spray tan. Even to say it makes me giggle! The idea of getting naked and being sprayed with dye just seems funny. Maybe I'm wrong? So, here I am with this idea in my head and I'm not doing a thing with it. I just let it sit there. Then my Mom calls and says that SHE got a spray tan! My Mom is awesome!! Not just because she got a spray tan! She has the biggest heart, puts everyone before her but never pampers herself. And she has very pale skin. She needed a little color boost for the wedding! Well, she loved her tan! I was proud of her for spending some money on herself! SO! My Mom has gone out, got naked and sprayed! I can do it too! But not with out a spray buddy. Luckily I am gaining a super awesome sister in law who is equally as pigment challenged as my Mom! She agreed that we should try it out and try it out we did! LMAO! I think anything that requires you to watch a "video" beforehand is just FANTASTIC! Stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'd like to apologize

I've been away for a while. Not on vacation. Not sick, although I haven't felt the best lately. I've been preoccupied with wedding and kid related things. It's summer and even though the teenagers can pretty much fend for themselves, the toddler cannot and she seems to be more of an attention grabber than usual lately! She has a flair for the dramatic just like me. SO sometimes we clash. The computer comes on and she can hear it from 100 yards away! Lord forbid I actually sit and do something that isn't related to her happiness. It's a constant battle with us. I see that she is happy with something so I start working on a project or blogging. She sees this and immediately walks over, grabs my hand and leads me away from what I'm doing. I don't like it. It reminds me of my former life. So, I've started putting my foot down and refusing to give in. I've tried to get her involved with something crafty at the table with me. Make her feel like she is a part of my big distraction. Then she gets bored and leaves me alone. It works most of the time! It all works out and I feel good, she feels good. But then there are times when I feel so bad for wanting something that isn't child related. I know that those of you who don't have kids are thinking "Oh shut up and be happy that you have a kid to get lost in!". Yeah I get it! I'm blessed and I know that but I miss myself! Do you know what I'm saying? I wouldn't give up my kids for anything in the world but I really miss being able to finish a project the same day I start it. And when I am refusing to walk away from a project and the toddler is throwing a fit I want to apologize to her for wanting something that doesn't revolve around her but I just can't. I know the toddler will turn into a teenage girl at some point. A fact that scares the hell out of me! So, I should love the time I get with her now when she wants nothing more than to serve me tea at her little table in the living room or to rush me through the same book over and over and over and over and when I try to make up my own story because I am so tired of the one I've read a million times, she will call me out and make me read it the right way! One of these days, I'll be lost in a project wishing that my child was lost in me again. Don't worry! I'll bitch about that too! Promise.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Emergency Staff Meeting.

Ladies, I asked you all to be here today because I get the feeling that you've hit panic mode.........I knew it would happen sooner or later and honestly I am shocked it didn't happen sooner. But, let me just say that I am so proud of you for hanging in there this long and great job on all that you've pulled off so far. I know we still have a lot to do in such a short time. But, if anyone can do it we can! So, let's go over what we have to do from now til the big day.

Where are we on the guest list? We need to get the RSVP's counted as soon as the deadline hits so we can price food. I have a feeling we will have to cut a few things. The pickle buffet, the cheese tray.....those two things are on the chopping block right now! They'll just have to bring their own! And as far as buns, someone print out a sign to let parents know that we just can't tolerate waste. If their child doesn't eat a hot dog bun at home, now is not the time to try to make them. It's only going to take a bun away from someone who will! I don't want to see anything wasted! Did we buy the name tags or do you think it's a bad idea? Honestly I think their are about 20 people on the guest list that I don't know and haven't met. Heck we got an RSVP for someone that wasn't even on the guest list! Did our private investigator find out who this woman is? Get on that will ya! Geez! When it comes to decorations, I am happy to say that we are done. But if time and funds permit I would like to buy a few potted plants. On second thought.....we have to get the pictures for the mantle before my leftover tan fades and my rosacea flares up again! Nothing worse than a blotchy complexion on the bride to be. I think we'll need more punch balloons! Lots and lots more punch balloons!

Wow! Today I woke up and the panic was setting in. I was feeling a little overwhelmed about making things perfect. Bahaha! There's nothing about me that resembles perfect. I had to make fun of myself for a minute in order to get back on track and remind myself that the only thing that matters about the big day is the fact that we show up and nobody gets hurt! I don't care if we run out of buns or if my burger doesn't have cheese! I will survive if we are 8 tissue poms short of tissue pom heaven. The important thing is, I'm marrying my best friend. Not you Stripper! The other Best Friend!