Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Emotional Me

I thought the first day of Kindergarten was difficult! My 16 year old got a job mowing lawns, weed eating etc. He has never touched a lawn mower a day in his life, let alone a weed eater. I don't know if he knows what honest work is. Not that he robs banks or anything. He is a master Gamer! That's what his job title is! So manual labor.....ohhh! boy! I'm skerd! I'm skerd for him and the person who is employing him. This employer happens to be my father-in-law! He's a no nonsense type of man. He pays you to work! He pays you to look presentable. Your pants had better be around your waist at all times and that goofy hat, well it looks better at home on a hook in your bedroom so get it off of your head! He's a great guy! But he has a certain work ethic that I don't think most kids are use to these days. Meaining, he expects you to work! My son needs this experience desperately! But, at the same time, the thought of him being old enough to work scares me. It reminds me that it won't be long and he won't be my little boy, hogging up the entire couch, playing games all day, messing up my kitchen and terrorizing his little sister! I'm going to miss that! Oh! My goodness! It makes me so emotional. My boys are becoming Men! I dropped the 16 yr old off yesterday for his first day and it felt like kindergarten all over. I was reminding him that if he doesn't know what to do he needs to ask questions etc. I wanted to walk him to the door but at some point I have to let go and let him be his own independant person, a responsible young man who can tackle his own problems and solve them without any help from Mom. It breaks my heart! How will I survive graduation and good lord! What about him finding a woman he wants to marry!? Eeek! Someone get me a sedative! Maybe a bottle of Boone's Farm and a styrofoam cup of ice! These are the battles I fight, letting go, hiding the used boxes of tissue!

After a long day of mowing and weed eating he was tired but, happy. I think the feeling of accomplishment was a good thing for him. He had a sense of pride. He almost glowed. Or maybe that was the sweat from working. He seemed so much older when I picked him up, carrying his cooler and can of diet coke. He's ready for another day. He's anxious to do more and improve his mowing skills! So, I am happy for him and proud. I guess letting go isn't so bad...for now!

1 comment:

  1. Aww.. I hate it when they start growing up. Makes me miss them even though they are sitting right next to me!

