Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Monday, March 26, 2012

Heavenly Crockpot Chicken

Ok. So I found a recipe on pinterest for crockpot chicken and the recipe called for mushrooms and dry white wine. If you're a friend of mine on fb you know that my tires came to a screeching halt when I read "dry white wine". I immediately said "I've got moscato! Same thing right?" and the answer is no! It is not the same.

Not a big deal! Three people told me to use chicken broth instead. So I dug through the cabinets and luckily found a can of broth. In the end I completely changed the original recipe. Haha! And wow! It was tasty! And bonus, the gravy I got from the finished product was especially tasty over Brussels sprouts. So here is my recipe!

2 lbs of skinless boneless chicken strips because I love this in potpie the next day
Half of an 8oz container of sour cream with chives
2 cans of cream of chicken soup
Half cup chicken broth
Packet of dry Italian dressing mix
2 tbl spoons of butter

Ok pay attention! This is tricky! Not really but you will want to make sure you pay attention when it's time to use the soup!
In a small saucepan, melt the butter on low heat and then add the cream cheese. Let it melt together, stirring and stirring to make sure it doesn't scorch! Add the broth. Stir. Remove from heat. Stir in dry Italian dressing mix and ONE can of the cream of chicken soup! Save the other can til the end!
Now! You've placed all your little chicken strips in your crockpot right? Well, go on and do it then! I'll wait!
Ok! Pour your soup/seasoning/ cream cheese mixture over your chicken. Cover and cook on low for 5 hours. Thirty minutes before its done, add the rest of your soup! I find that it thickens your gravy!
This was the shiznit over mashed taters and a side of Brussels! I sautéed my Brussels with butter and then added about two tablespoons of my crockpot gravy to them. It was tasty!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Music to fall off the treadmill to

Who has two thumbs, a sore bum and walks on a treadmill........this girl! Yeah. I work out! Not gracefully. But I am there, at the gym, sweating. It's gross but it makes me feel good. I'm a stay at home Mom remember. I need all the help I can get in the feel good department. I'm home with a head strong toddler all day. She won't bathe, she won't poop and she won't let me brush her hair. By the time the rest of my family gets home, I want to run from the house screaming. I get to the gym, get on the treadmill and walk until I'm out of songs.

Speaking of songs, I wanted to share my playlist with you! So, here's a list of the songs that I listen to during my workout:

Part of Me - Katy Perry
Drive by - Train
Gold on the Ceiling - The black keys
Hold On - Alabama Shakes
Let's Groove - Earth, wind and fire
Wild Ones - Flo Rida featuring Sia
Seven Nation Army - The white stripes
I believe in a thing called love - The Darkness
Love Shack - The B-52's
Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
Sexy and I know it - LMFAO
Stronger - Kelly Clarkson
Moves like Jagger - Maroon 5
If I never see your face - Maroon 5
Raise your glass - Pink
The Time (Dirty Bit) - Black Eye Peas
Welcome to the Jungle - Guns N Roses

So, there it is. That is what gets me through a work out. I have a series of "moves" that I'm working on at home too. Jumping Jacks, squats, lunges that look totally wrong, leg lifts and my favorite......crunches! Or are they called scrunches...............? Doesn't matter, I hate them either way!

What song gets you motivated?

Whole lotta nothin yet everything

I feel like this blog has taken a total right turn in the past few months. And the more I think about it, that's not a bad thing. It's not like I'm a nascar driver and have to continue to go left. I'm not knocking Nascar! If you love that type of thing, put your left turn signal on and pedal to the medal! Get'r'done! I just wonder if I've lost a few people by not posting craft how-to's and all that jazz. See, the truth is, I'm walking around with a huge "Under Construction" sign hanging on my back. I look like superman walking around with this thing flapping off of my back.

You know I am a mother of three. You know I've made mistakes in the past. You also know that one of my main gripes is the fact that I lost myself somewhere during my journey as MOM. I'm finally comfortable being "ME" and I'm going in a million different directions trying to figure out what I'm all about. If that makes sense to you let me get an Amen!

Thank you! The ladies know what I'm saying! Fellas ask about it!

Anywho, I want to let you know what you can expect this summer. That way you'll know whether or not you're going to keep checking in on me. SO, here it goes. I'm working on a few interviews to post. I'm not a reporter. But, recently I realized that we need to be inspired and I think if I can post a few inspirational tales about women (or men) who have taken a dream and made it reality and inspire others, then I am doing something right in life. I needed inspiration and found it recently in a new friend. It's nice to be inspired. As a matter of fact, I have been so inspired that I have taken a dream of my own and worked my little fingers to the bone to make it become a reality.

 I'm currently writing two books. Yes, I am writing an actual book. I plan on publishing it myself as an ebook. I'll let you know when that happens but it should be sometime in the fall. I know that seems like a lifetime away and for some people it is. But, please be patient. It's an inspirational story that I hope will touch you all in some way or another. The second is just a silly little story about a witch and I'm not even sure where the story line is going, it may not get any further than my own coffee table. We shall see. I dreamed of being a writer as a child, which is somethig I didn't share with many people. Great. Now it's out there and everyone knows. I never could keep a secret.

So, that's what keeps me busy lately. I'm taking the time to enjoy being a mom, avoiding drama, writing and reading. I plug in my earbuds and type until the words run together. Then I get some sleep and continue on. It is so important to continue on. Don't let life stop you from enjoying life.

Continue on people!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I'll say it over and over again. I've evolved. I don't mean that I've gone from walking hunched over, dragging a club or my knuckles as I go. I mean, I've gone from being a negative minded individual to someone who tries her hardest to see the positive in everyday or every person. But, I won't lie, people are the hardest for me. I have a hard time overlooking ignorance and my main problem is that I just can't turn the other cheek. I am Marty McFly in Back To The Future! I can't just walk away.

As you know, though, I am making changes for my kids, because I don't want them to follow my lead and grow up to be miserable in life or in love. I try to set a good example which is why I have recently started following a list of things that I have to do every day. Here's my list......

1. Laugh at myself.
2. Tell my kids what they are doing RIGHT.
3. Ignore what they are doing wrong unless it's something really bad, like cheering for the Detroit Lions
    or researching how to make bombs.
4. Drink more water than I did the day before.
5. Smile more, if only for the purpose of making someone feel uncomfortable. Try it, it's fun.
6. Overlook ignorance...........lord, keep me strong on this one and give me focus.
7. Read!!
8. Write!!!
9. Doodle!!!!
10. Inspire someone to be kind. Start a chain reaction. One good deed will set off a chain of events,  
      even if you're not there to witness it, it happens.

This is just my top ten. But everyday, I get up and say to myself "Woman! You have to.....(insert something fun or inspirational)...." Today I got up and told myself I had to give someone a compliment.

You know as I sit here typing this post, I am watching the cat. She's sitting across from me, staring back. It has dawned on me that she is probably the most complimented thing in the house! Seriously, this cat is told at least a dozen times a day that she is beautiful or that her fur is soft. I think I'm a little jealous of the cat now.
My cat Miss Jane

Anyway, so here is my compliment. I think you are all so awesome for taking the time to stop in and listen to me babble on about my kids and cat. YOU ROCK!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wither by Lauren DeStefano

When someone with similar taste in books suggests a book to me, I don't even read the back of the book! I just start reading. To me, it's like meeting someone new and hearing their story foe the first time. If you read the back of the book it's like doing a background check and their story is familiar. Occasionally, I like to be surprised and have no clue what to expect next. It adds to the suspense of it all.

So, I'm reading this book by Lauren DeStefano called Wither. My new friend and über talented author Jenny Phillips suggested it at our writers group a few nights ago. If you don't know Jenny, she recently had a very good piece published by Crushing Hearts and Black Butterflies in the book Darklight. It's currently available as an ebook but you can pre order the actual paper and ink book if you prefer that route. I wish i could slap a link here but i am working from my phone and don't have that ability! Anyway, it's a compilation of authors and I recommend it! Love "The Kiss" by Jenny Phillips.

Wow! Got off track a bit! So, anyway. I'm reading Wither. I can tell you that I am intrigued by this story and since I don't know the direction it will go I am on the edge of my seat reading it! So if you're looking for a good read this weekend, pick up Wither or go to amazon and check out my friend Jenny's debut in Darklight!

Ok. Now if I could just figure out how to read my kindle while doing dishes....

Friday, March 9, 2012

I miss you.

I swear I am not avoiding you! I have been so busy with working on a book and a short story! Then I have a butt load of spring cleaning to get done, running the kids to school, my at home work out routine, the toddler and then there's the fact that my laptop is out of commission right now. Luckily I can use my phone to post a short little
Dit. But I did want you to know that I haven't given up on this blog! I'm actually working on something inspiring and as soon as I get my laptop back I will get it out to you! Thank you for staying with me!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

In time we heal

There are things that happen in our lives that can scar us forever if we let it. I am ashamed of some of the things that I let get to me or allowed to get in my way. But once I learned to get over it and get on with my life I began to heal. I didn't want to just get over it though. I wanted to grow, become someone my kids would be proud of. I am trying to follow my dreams and cross some things off of my list. It's never too late to start living. When I got this tattoo last night someone asked me "why" and I didn't really know how to explain it without going into great detail.

So why this tattoo? Well, because I wanted a reminder of what I am capable of. I have overcome a few things and I'm flourishing. There's not a universal symbol for that so I kept it pretty straight forward. Overcome & Flourish. The font symbolizes my love of writing since it looks handwritten.

Am I done getting tattoos? Nope. Will I be happy with this tattoo in 20 years? You bet!