Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dear Mr. Grissom

Dear Mr. Grissom,

I am very disappointed in your absence from my favorite show in the universe. (Please don't tell Jacks Teller I said that) I am hoping I can somehow change your mind and help you see that although you are a phenomenal producer/director, you are an awesome actor. And there are many of us in the viewing population that would like you to return to television, preferably not as a corpse! We don't want Sarah to become a widow. If you can't come back full time maybe a Guest Appearance would be sufficient? Please come back! I'm begging! I love Nick and all but you're really the best thing that's ever happened to that show! And would it be possible to have Russell Brand as a guest also? I think that would be a marvelous mesh!

Sincerely, Mad Maven

Don't you dare

I don't think you can judge a persons cooking ability based on their grilled cheese. Or at least I hope you can't! Because between you and me, my teenage son makes a far better grilled cheese! I was married with children when I taught myself how to cook. There are still meals that I can't say I've had success with! But recently I think I have mastered GRILLED CHEESE! I am proud of that! You don't know how many times I have burnt through a loaf of bread in order to get one grilled cheese which is edible! are my tips on making a grilled cheese sandwich!

1. Make sure you don't put too much butter on your bread! I like to use room temperature butter! Just a light smear all over the bread, just a touch!

2. I also find that if you preheat your skillet or griddle you won't get a soggy middle.

3. This is the most important thing I will ever tell you regarding a grilled cheese sandwich......Do not walk away from your sandwich while it's cooking! If Publishers Clearinghouse is knocking at your door with a check the size of a Walmart Super Center, do not, I repeat, Do Not walk away from that sandwich! This is where I go wrong every time! I get tired of waiting and then my mind wanders to another task and the next thing you know I'm vacuuming up flea powder while my sandwich burns to an ugly little crisp! DO NOT WALK AWAY from your sandwich! I don't care what you have to do to keep your mind focused on that morsal of cheesy goodness. Read it a story, tell it 20 times how much you're going to enjoy eating it or handcuff yourself to the stove. I like to pop the earbuds in my ear and pretend the rest of the house doesn't exist and just focus on that lovely grilled cheese!

Speaking of lunch......Gotta GO!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Apple pie and a good book.

Today is one of those days where I want to make an apple pie and cuddle up on the couch with a good book and my strawberry Shortcake blankey. I want a cup of hot cocoa and my fuzzy socks. The sun is hiding behind the clouds and there's a nice breeze blowing in through the open windows. Turning the A/C off was a welcome act! The constant humm of the unit made my brain feel fuzzy. It's so nice to hear the trees blowing in the wind instead. This time of year is the calm before the storm at my house. In a couple of weeks the kids will be back to school and I will be back to driving them back and forth. My days seem so fractured when school is in session. This year I hope to make better use of my time in between runs. We will see how that goes. I have lots of hopes for this fall. More walks with the toddler and definitely more Halloween decorations.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Giving my Ex-husband Rat poison....

After years of loathing it has come to this. It was a spur of the moment decision. And once I realized I made the decision to do it I couldn't help but feel proud of myself. Don't judge me!

It just felt like the right thing to do. For years I carried around a little resentment (OK! Ok! A LOT). I was scorned! I was bitter! I was secretly plotting! But, this? This is not like me at all! [Exhale] I still can't believe I did it! The oppurtunity arose and I took it without a second thought because that's the kind of person I am! I'm like that!

WOWOWOWO! Hang on a minute! You don't think I poisoned him do you? Nooooooo! He brought over a few pieces of furniture I left at our old house, he mentioned that mice moved in and I said "Hey! I have some DECON if you need it!" Silly! I wouldn't try to hurt the man!....Seriously! I wouldn't do that to the kids! This isn't a story about knocking off the ex! It's a story about forgiveness!

It's no secret to our family that my ex and I had a rocky run! We ended our marriage in a way that leaves a woman bitter. But I moved on. What else do you do? I got lucky, I found a great guy, we expanded the family and recently got married. But I don't think I actually ever forgave the ex for the things he did. He pulled some pretty stupid things when we were at odds. But, I won't lie. I ran my mouth! {Shocker} Anyway, I hadn't seen him in a while and when he stopped by with our boys yesterday I looked at him and thought "It just isn't worth it! Holding onto this hate is not healthy and it's a waste of time because I got mine!". Then I wanted to Thank him, shake his hand and say "Thank you for the journey! Thank you for the 2 wonderful boys and thank you for teaching me that you live and you learn!". But, instead I offered to give him Rat Poison! Because I'm over it! I won't forget. [pointing at my eyes, then at him] But I can forgive! So, Mr Ex.......I forgive you! And I'll leave it there!