Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This party sucks

Today the weather is not at its best. The wind must be blowing at a whopping 40mph, the rain is not letting up and it's cold! It's October! And it's days like this that use to inspire me to throw a pity party. I was the only one on the guest list. I'd spend the day watching sad movies, thinking about all of the things in my life that sucked just as bad as the weather! I'd listen to sad music. Blah blah! Cry me a river. This party sucks! I'm going home!  

I've changed my ways.........which  is always a good idea if you have ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said "You are pathetic", well then it's time to make some changes. If you ever find yourself imagining that your life is something that it isn't then it's time to adjust your situation. Fortunately for me I had help in the adjustment department when my ex husband left. There's one  Problem solved. From there I realised that I was holding myself back. I had to make the changes to make myself happy.

Anyhow, I have made a list of things that I try to do on a gloomy day to ensure that I don't get sucked into the deathly vortex of self pity. Because let's face it, when you're in a gloomy mood you will find anything, I mean anything to be melancholy about! For instance........a mouse chewed up my daughters favorite spoon, it bothered me.......I know! Pathetic! Get a mouse trap! Problem solved!

1. I read something upbeat. Any of the Stephanie Plum books will do! Avoid Nicholas Sparks!

2. I avoid these movies: Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias, Titanic, The Lion King, The   Kingdom and last but not least..........P.S I love you! ( I also don't watch the news unless I need to check the weather)

3. Dance.......wherever you are, whatever you're doing, even if you don't have music....humm if you have to but for the love of footloose.......DANCE!

4. Paint your nails. The fumes might help lift your mood.

5. Re decorate! Change your decor up a bit! Don't go out and buy new paint or anything. Just move things around, put the couch somewhere new! Throw things away if they're broken. Let's face it, you're not going to fix it! Toss it! I did this yesterday and I felt so good after I was done! I listened to music while I did it and it was very cleansing. And really throws your family off when they get home and things are changed....makes them wonder if you moved the couch to hide evidence.......just saying!

6. This is the important one. Do something nice for someone else! You'd be surprised at how good it will make you feel to do a good deed! A random act of kindness can help someone else's day turn around just by witnessing it. This doesn't mean you should go out and throw change at a homeless person. Help someone at the grocery store. Spray fabreeze on your kids makes them think you took the time to wash thier bedding. It's a sweet gesture, don't judge me!

That's just a short list of the things I try to do on a gloomy day to avoid self pity. What do you do to snap out of it?

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