Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Something New

I tell ya! I learn something new about myself everyday!

It's that time of the year. Mice are looking for a place to settle in for the winter. I opened the silverware drawer a few mornings a go to find that something had chewed up the handle of my daughters favorite spoon! It's an outrage! And very disgusting. So, I cleaned everything out of the drawer, bleached it all and left in the dish drainer until I decided that we no longer have a mouse issue. We put out traps and I was hopeful they would work!

Now, let me introduce you to my son........He's 15 and very inventive. He is handy and skilled with a blow dart gun......Yes, I said a blow dart gun! He made it using my curtain rod and various other household items. My curtains are riddled with holes from said instrument of destruction. Anyway, I love my son. He keeps me laughing and amazed! He decided he was going to catch himself a mouse the old fashioned way. He fashioned a trap out of a bowl, a string, a can of beans, a box and peanut butter. He placed it in the kitchen and sat a short distance away to watch it. When/if the mouse went after the loot he would yank the string to drop the bowl onto the mouse! Genius!

I figured there was only one problem with his plan. There was no way that mouse was going to come out in broad daylight with him sitting there like that and just as I was telling him this that mouse came trotting out and sat right next to my son! My jaw dropped open! It was absolutely comical.We all just sat still waiting to see what it would do next.....It finally ran under the couch! Once we all snapped out of our amazement,  my two sons worked together to catch the mouse and then  dropped it off by our mailbox. The end of that.

But ever since that day, I can't help but wonder if he got back in the house! Then today my daughter says "Mama, Mouse!".

This is where I learned something new about myself!!!!

I'm afraid of mice.

I don't know if I've ever moved so fast in my life! But I do know that my dining room table will support my weight and the toddlers!.......And the no good for nothing cat! She's fired by the way! :)

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