Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today, the role of Monday will be played by Thursday.

I know it's thursday but it sure does feel like monday.

This morning, I overslept. So, I was already completely thrown off and then the toddler did not want to get out of bed so she fought tooth and nail when I attempted to put clothes on her. I had to drop the good cop routine and use my "boss lady" tone and that never goes well because she becomes even more defiant just to be spiteful.

Time to go BOYS! Everybody in the Jeep? Good...........motoring down the road................CRAP! I need gas!....................Where's my purse?........................$hit!.............Let's see, I have $10 hidden in my console. (now you know) Stopping for gas................Pumping gas..........Oh! No!........I wasn't paying attention. Boys do you have a couple bucks?.....................Walk in the store to pay for my twelve dollars worth of gas, which will barely get me through the day...........I am sure I have a pillow crease on my face....who cares.

The drop off was a success. I managed to make it through the parking lot without hitting or threatening any teachers or students............or angry bus drivers. The day is looking up. Thank you. The toddler is sleeping in the back seat and awww! She looks so peaceful!

I get home, park in the garage, quietly open the back door to remove the toddler and she wakes up, screaming at me to put her back!! "NOW!"

"I don't want to go home!" she screams! Ok. So earlier you didn't want to leave the warmth of the bed and now you don't want to leave the Jeep. I don't have enough gas to drive around town all morning looking at random things. Let's go! Mama needs coffee!

We make it into the house without any further issues. She goes her way, I go mine. Both of us are in desperate need of alone time. I more importantly need coffee. So, I take the old coffee grounds out of the coffee pot to dump them in the trash and completely miss the trash can! Plop! Right onto the floor! How does this happen, you ask? Well, the sight of the overflowing trash caught me off gaurd and enraged me and somehow I lost all focus and well, there you have it. We have a mess in the floor.

This is something that I constantly bitch about in my house. THE TRASH! It does not empty itself. I have never once seen someone living in my home take it upon themselves to empty the trash can. They will continue to strategically pile trash on the top until I yell or take it out myself and this morning it was piled so utterly sky high that I had to remove trash to even find the trash bag!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deep breathes my child. Inhale. Exhale. It's not monday. Monday is not here anymore. It's Thursday. Wooooo-sa!

So, now I have located the trash bag to pull it out of the can. I'm pulling, the bag is moving and suddenly the trash itself, drops right out of the bottom of the trash bag because the bag is ripped.


Liar. It is monday. I just know it.

I don't have to worry about sweeping up the coffee grinds and putting them in with the rest of the trash because the rest of the trash is now on the floor with the coffee grounds and I'm sitting here at my makeshift desk blogging while the sun shines in on my pastey white skin.

I'll clean the mess up after my first cup of coffee.

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