Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Times are changing

I remember when I was a young mama and I stayed up late, watching movies after the kids went to bed. I would pop a bag of popcorn, fill a cup with ice and drink two cans of dew. In the morning I would get up early, get the kids ready for school and walk them to school with a skip in my step and then I would work an 8 hour shift at the hospital.

Now....... I stay up late waiting for the dryer or the washer to stop so the kids have clean clothes in the morning. When my alarm goes off in the morning, about 20 minutes before we have to leave the house, I can barely drag myself out of bed to drive the kids to school! Most mornings I leave the house in my pajamas, no makeup, bed head and a pillow crease across my face!

Times are changing folks! The kids are growing up. I remember when the safety talk only involved a speech about wearing a helmet when they rode their bike. Now, it's something totally different!

It makes me sad to think that soon I will watch them move out, get married and have a life of their own. I relish nights like this when I'm up late because the lid to the washer didn't get shut and one of the kids desperately needs a shirt out of it in the morning. I'd do it a million times. I'm not complaining!

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