Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dr. Pepper & Suppositories

I'm sorry! I have to! I'm at the end of my rope here! The toddler and I have been fighting a war the last 6 or 7 months and I hate to admit that she has been winning!

 I've reached into my bag of Mommy tricks and pulled out just about everything I can! Each attempt at a win left me with nothing, nada, zilch! So,  I had to break down and call the DR! I try not to involve her in the health of my daughter as much as possible. I don't have anything against her. It's the people who answer her phones! They could seriously be replaced with 2 German speaking old women! No offense to Old German women, I just think they would be way more knowledgeable and could get your point quicker than the teenagers that answer the phones there! whew! Having said that.......where was I?

Oh! Yeah! Anyway, let me just tell you what's going on here and apologize for talking about such a crappy issue but my toddler refuses to poop!

There! I said It! She will hold it for days! She flat out refuses to go! We've been trying to potty train for a while now and it's not going as well as I'd hoped! We've changed her diet! We've tried to make poop time more enjoyable! As if that's possible! And it's a constant battle! I have even given her Dr. Pepper! It helps me and it has helped my boys when they were much younger. Sure. It gives her the urge to go but she has buns of steel and fights it every time!

So, today when I called the Dr office and spoke to the young lady who always puts me on hold and then hangs up on me I got lucky enough to be (after 4 attempts) transferred to the NURSE! yay me!........

For the 4th time today, I give my daughters name, her age, her birth date, her hair color, when she had her last BM, what I've tried, what hasn't worked, what my daughter uses as a battle strategy and what I am going to do if I don't get some results soon. I said a lot! Then the NURSE says, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that last part!".

I say "Which part?"...........................................Seriously!? GOD! I know you're there! Could you please reach down and slap this woman for me? I will feed the homeless if you would just do this for me, please GOD!........?? NO?? Fine!

I was on the phone with the call center and the Nurse for about an hour! I won't be given and appointment for whatever reason. They do not feel this is urgent! The Nurse says that the Dr feels I should try a suppository!

That must have been the part she didn't hear! I've tried that but I can't give her one! I physically am not strong enough to pull that off! I admit it! This child has the smarts of Albert Einstein, the strength of Hercules and the rage of the Hulk! It can't be done without sedatives! After all of that, I will not be given an appointment since it is not urgent enough! This is causing serious pain to my child and I don't know how to fix it. TO me, that is urgent! Its a recurring thing!  I don't know how to teach her that it is ok to go. Or who knows maybe it just hurts her too much.

Has anyone else had this problem? I need your help. My daughter needs your help! Her colon is probably screaming for help I just can't hear it!

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