Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

They have no idea.

I tell my kids I love them everyday, several times a day. They have no doubt in their mind that I love them. They see the sacrifice and they know it's because they are worth it. But, I don't know if they really no why.

photo by the amazing Anna Marie Pictorials
 I'm suppose to love them. They're my kids. But, it's more than that. There are so many things that set them apart, things that I have fallen in love with over the years. This got me thinking. Do my kids know why I love them?  Does my Mom know why I love her? Does she know what I admire about her? I could write a book about the things that make my Mom a rock star. But, I don't think she knows that or that the kids could tell me what I love about them.

A week ago, I asked my facebook friends how to help teenage girls feel better about themselves. I don't think anyone answered I guess everyone was just as clueless. Then I was talking to my best friend who has been in Australia for the last 2 months, away from her children who are here in the states. She's there taking care of her father who is battling Liver Cancer. The doctor gave him about 6 months to live..........a year ago. So, God has blessed them with a little more time together. Anyway, I asked her how things were going. She had a hard time speaking. She was too emotional. It choked me up. See. Jessi lived almost 40 years without knowing her father. Just over 2 years ago they re-united and began the healing process, getting to know one another. And now she is losing him. It is so bittersweet. She sits by his bed and reads the bible to him every day. As she was reading to him that morning he stopped her and said " Jessi Rose, I love you. And I need you to know why I love you so much. I know I'm suppose to love you because you're my flesh and blood. But, it's what is in your heart that I have fallen in love with." And then he rattled off a long list of accomplishments that made him proud of her. Jessi, is a flawed person like me. She's made mistakes. But, she has overcome so much. Her heart is so full of love and she gives so freely. I admire her. She has struggled with low self esteem like many of us. There are things in her past that make her feel unworthy of so much love. When her dad told her all of the reasons why he loves her I think it gave her a boost. All we want is to be loved and for someone to approve of us. Isn't that true?

And that's when I realized.......This is how we teach our children how to feel better about themselves, to have better self esteem. The answer was so obvious it almost makes me feel silly for asking. We have to keep reminding them they are worth it and tell them why we love them. They probably have no idea.

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