Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Monday, February 6, 2012

It hurts so good!

Years ago, I started writing a short story. I woke up one morning from a dream that seemed so detailed. The story was so.......not anything that I have ever dreamed about before. The people in my dream, well I had no idea who they were. The storyline, something I had never thought of before....or so I thought. So, I got a pen and a notebook and started to write it all down when I had some time to myself. I wrote and rewrote. It poured out of me onto that paper and it all made sense. It was a great story.

I never finished the story. Then one day I looked up from my notebook and realized I had been spending so much time writing that I hadn't done any real housework. I didn't want my husband to get upset about that. So, I put the notebook in a box and hid it away thinking that if anyone found it they might think I was silly for trying to write a book. But, that's when I realized writing a book was something that I wanted to do. Still, the notebook stayed hidden and when my ex husband and I split up the box got left behind. So, here I am. I still want to write a book. I would love to write a children's book. A kooky children's story about accepting each others differences and it will be illustrated!........... Someday.

About a week ago, I was sitting on my bed with my morning coffee and the urge to write came over me again. I had a story in my head and needed to get it out. I have no formal training when it comes to writing, as I am sure you've noticed. So, I don't know if I'm doing it write! This is one of those times when I wish I wouldn't have skipped out on that creative writing class in high school. Doh! My best friend use to proof read the things I would write. Most of the things were just ideas that didn't pan out. But, she is so busy and has no time, lives a world away and has no ambition of being a writer. She suggested a writing group. Where would I find one around here that I would be comfortable going to?

Well, this is where it gets crazy. I logged on to facebook a few mornings ago and saw a post from a friend asking if anyone would be interested in a writing group!!! I swear my mouth hung open and my heart began to race. Immediately, I hit the "message" button! I wanted to know more. So, now I am a member of a writing group with women I barely know and this puts me way outside of my comfort zone! But I want to do it! I want to put myself out there and hope I don't get laughed at! And as I say that I giggle a little because I think of all my goofy quirks and hope I won't scare them off!

This is me following a dream. Even if I don't get published. I just want to show someone what I've written. Someone who isn't related to me. I want someone to look at my story and say "You spelled "their" wrong!". That's all! To me, that means I'm a writer! lol! Then I can mark it off of my bucket list! I'm gonna finish that book gosh darnit!!  And I'm telling you, I've been writing so much my wrist hurts! So, What are you doing to cross things off you're bucket list!?

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