Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Monday, May 30, 2011

Part 2

Let me start by saying that I am far from tidy when it comes to my house. We live in our house! That means, we play, we cook, we lounge, we goof off and we create in this house and that involves a lot of stuff. Stuff doesn't always get put away when we are done. I have a motto. A clean house is a sign of a wasted life. Before the toddler came around I kept a tidy house except for the occasional rubbermade tote of craft supplies that would get left on the dining room table. There was dirty laundry and dirty dishes but it was always where it needed to be, in the laundry basket or the sink. Nowadays, I can't say that happens. I'm on the move so much, taking kids to school, picking kids up, working on other peoples projects that I don't always take the time to put things away or delegate to others to do it or suffer the wrath! I just don't have the energy! And now that I'm planning a wedding there are boxes of wedding crap everywhere. If there isn't a box you are sure to see a happy meal toy or stuffed animal! So, now I've painted a picture of my house!

When I left off last I was frantically scrubbing green sharpie marker off of my forehead with tequila! (We were all out of rubbing alcohol) I don't like the smell of tequila. It has a powerful odor. Some people don't mind it and don't notice the pungent stench. I happen to have a sensitive nose and could probably work for the FBI as a tracking hound! Just saying! It stinks! I'm not sure how it could get worse but it does when someone knocks on my front door!! I can only imagine the look on my face. Utter terror I am sure! But, I remember that I'm expecting my sons replacement kindle from amazon and that the knock is probably the Fed Ex man. I will probably never see the Fed Ex man again and even if I do who cares if he sees me this way, in mix matched pajamas, greasy bed head, and a green line across my forehead that unfortunately takes all of your attention away from the mascara that has been smeared across the rest of my face! I look great! The Fed Ex guy is about to beat down my door. Apparantly, he doesn't want to wait out there forever so I take off through the house, sprinting for the front door, I step on a toy, my knee buckles and just as I go down I can see through my front window that it isn't the Fed Ex man! It's my neighbor from across the street and she is peeping in my window, watching the whole ugly scene unfold! I pick myself up, open the front door and squint into the sunlight at her. I can only imagine what she's thinking right now! Look at me! I'm a mess and to top it all off, I wreak of booze! Ugh! I've never met this woman! This should set a great first impression! I open the door and she goes into this long speech about how her car was broken into last night and she wonders if I saw anything. I tell her No but she looks skeptical. I can't imagine why! I reasure her that I was sound asleep and that if I hear anything next time I will sound the alarm! She seems satisfied with that and treks back across the yard to her tidy little home where her children probably don't write on her forehead with markers. What kind of life is that?

Did the Tequila take the marker off of my forehead? Not completely! I had a faint mark across my forehead. I wore a hat that day to cover it. In the end I learned a few valuable lessons. Hide the markers whether they are crayola or sharpie. Lesson 2: It's never too early to give the tattoo speech! (Tattoos are super cool, just not on your forehead) and last but not least.......shut the curtains and put on a bra if it's daylight!


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