Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Saturday, May 28, 2011

This one is for me

I've helped plan a few baby showers, bridal showers and in the past 6 months have consulted 6 brides. I don't get paid to do these things. I do it because I like to do it. This is something I've learned about myself in the past year. I like to plan a celebration! I like the personal touches that people add to a celebration. I like the creative part of it. But what I really love is to make people smile. Now, if you know me, you might be thinking "Really? You? Like to make people smile?". It's true. I wasn't always this positive or pleasant to be around and making people smile was very low on my list of things I enjoyed. I've come a long way. If I had a blog 3 years ago it would've been called "The Evolution of ME". Because I have changed. I realize that there are folks out there that don't believe people can change. I use to be one of them until I found myself changing. I went from sad and angry, never seeing the positive to Happy, fun loving, always looking for the good or the lesson. There's always a lesson to be learned.

So, here I am, helping plan celebrations. I've made invitations and party favors, which I do get paid for. Brides tell me they want to go with a certain theme and I get busy brainstorming. But the wedding that I am working on right now is for ME! And I happen to be the worst bride I have ever worked with!! I have the worst case of bride brain. I find myself looking at random objects, wondering how I could incorporate it into a wedding!! It's getting out of control! When I first started the planning process I chose the direction I wanted to go in and then did the complete opposite of that! Luckily I saw the light before it was too late. Whew! It's easy to get off track. Especially with all of the wedding magazines and blogs out there. Don't even get me started on the wedding reality TV. Don't get me wrong I love love love David Tutera. But, watching those shows is what made my mind go racing off in the wrong direction. I saw all of these amazing ideas and thought I need to add that to my wedding! The problem is, it's not in my budget and I don't need it! Bless my little heart! I have seen the light!

So, here is my advice to anybody planning a wedding. Don't lose sight of what this celebration is really about! It's about You and your partner making a commitment to love, support and basically tolerate each others bad habits for the rest of your life! It is not about fancy napkins, over priced favors or your family's friends from work who buy expensive gifts! (However, For me, it is totally partially about damn tasty CAKE! And having Fun with awesome pictures to prove it!)

1 comment:

  1. :) You should write a book about how people can change. Damn thats two weddings I've missed so far!
