Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Learning to share

I am the only child that my Mother gave birth to. I wasn't alone as a child though. I was never an only child. I learned to share more than just my barbies. I shared my Mom with my cousins and it wasn't always easy. There were times when I didn't want to share my Mom who worked 2 jobs at times to make ends meet. There were times when I felt like I didn't get to see her enough and then when I did I had to compete with others for her attention. But now I am so grateful for my cousins and the fact that they are sharing my Mom with me. And when Mom gets too old and becomes a burden I have someone to help me pack her things and drive her to the nursing home! Stop it! I'm just kidding! Geesh! As if I would actually put my Mom in a nursing home! Goodness! They have those fancy assisted living places now! I'd take her there! No, seriously. I think about my Mom getting older and it scares me. Not because there's a good chance that she will loose her mind from all of the stress she is under but I know I will be responsible for her the way she is responsible for my Granny. I'm scared I will let her down. It has to be hard when you have to parent your own parent. Driving her to doctors appointments, making sure she is taking her medications and the emotional heartache that goes along with it. It's a sad thing and I don't look forward to it but I'm glad I'm not alone.

I'm at the point with the toddler where I have to teach her that it's Ok to share. I'm finding that I am not a good teacher. I don't think I'm getting through to her. See, Her brother is on a Lego kick. He brings out the Gynormous container of Legos and let me tell you this thing has about a million legos in it and even though she doesn't meet the age requirements, we let her play with them anyway. He gives her a few legos to play with and she decides that it isn't good enough. She wants to take apart one of his engenious inventions but he isn't letting her do that so she turns into the 200 ft tall girl and stomps on his creations! I think the next lesson will be "Don't be Greedy!" followed up by a brief lecture on how it's important NOT to destroy other peoples property in vingance (you know, cuz she's 2 and she most certainly will sit still for that speech)! NO I'm not taking new students! Anyway, we're teaching her to share. But we usually end up trying to explain to her that throwing a tantrum isn't going to get her what she wants. I'm telling you, this parenting gig is a lot of work!

So, how do you teach a child to share? Well, I think you have to be patient and remember that contrary to what someones father once said, they are not born with a built in program chip in thier brain. You have to teach them right from wrong and with some kids you have to explain, repeat and repeat again. But it also helps if you lead by example and compromise. Take turns. One kid gets it for a very short period of time while the other kid holds something else. I think taking turns shows that they will get what they want if they are patient. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone else but me. But it's my philosphy. I learned that from experience. I am sharing my Mom. Sometimes I get her and sometimes someone else gets her. I don't always have to like it but if I'm patient then I will get my time with my Mom. I'm anxiously waiting to have some time with my Mom. I miss my Mom.

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