Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Whole lotta nothin yet everything

I feel like this blog has taken a total right turn in the past few months. And the more I think about it, that's not a bad thing. It's not like I'm a nascar driver and have to continue to go left. I'm not knocking Nascar! If you love that type of thing, put your left turn signal on and pedal to the medal! Get'r'done! I just wonder if I've lost a few people by not posting craft how-to's and all that jazz. See, the truth is, I'm walking around with a huge "Under Construction" sign hanging on my back. I look like superman walking around with this thing flapping off of my back.

You know I am a mother of three. You know I've made mistakes in the past. You also know that one of my main gripes is the fact that I lost myself somewhere during my journey as MOM. I'm finally comfortable being "ME" and I'm going in a million different directions trying to figure out what I'm all about. If that makes sense to you let me get an Amen!

Thank you! The ladies know what I'm saying! Fellas ask about it!

Anywho, I want to let you know what you can expect this summer. That way you'll know whether or not you're going to keep checking in on me. SO, here it goes. I'm working on a few interviews to post. I'm not a reporter. But, recently I realized that we need to be inspired and I think if I can post a few inspirational tales about women (or men) who have taken a dream and made it reality and inspire others, then I am doing something right in life. I needed inspiration and found it recently in a new friend. It's nice to be inspired. As a matter of fact, I have been so inspired that I have taken a dream of my own and worked my little fingers to the bone to make it become a reality.

 I'm currently writing two books. Yes, I am writing an actual book. I plan on publishing it myself as an ebook. I'll let you know when that happens but it should be sometime in the fall. I know that seems like a lifetime away and for some people it is. But, please be patient. It's an inspirational story that I hope will touch you all in some way or another. The second is just a silly little story about a witch and I'm not even sure where the story line is going, it may not get any further than my own coffee table. We shall see. I dreamed of being a writer as a child, which is somethig I didn't share with many people. Great. Now it's out there and everyone knows. I never could keep a secret.

So, that's what keeps me busy lately. I'm taking the time to enjoy being a mom, avoiding drama, writing and reading. I plug in my earbuds and type until the words run together. Then I get some sleep and continue on. It is so important to continue on. Don't let life stop you from enjoying life.

Continue on people!

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