Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's the silly things Part 2

So, we've chosen a spot to get our spray tan on! Maybe you've heard the jingle if you live in South Bend or the surrounding area, "For the best tan ever, get a FunTan!". It's an annoying little song and bless their heart, it's stuck in my head!! It's clean, the staff is friendly and I guess they are knowledgeable, even though she didn't know what the base color was!( And from what my Mom says you want it to be blue or black! Not red! Red is what turns you orange!) FunTan uses a red base I believe although they call it BRONZE. It sounds better! They offer 3 different levels of bronzeness! Light, Medium and Cuban.......Sorry, I mean Dark! Prices start at 20 bucks and then they offer a pre spray conditioner that opens your pores and probably is the molecular equivalent to water! But I got it and decided to go with the medium level since I am a little darker to begin with. I have to admit I was a little nervous. You've seen the episode of friends where Ross goes into the spray tanning booth and it is a total disaster? Well, I knew that I would end up just like him. I am horrible at following directions. Luckily, you get to watch a quick video of a handsome young man (sorry he's wearing swim shorts) demonstrating how to use the spray tanning equipment. You might be wondering how complicated it can possibly be! Well, I gotta tell ya, I felt like I was going to have to break out some yoga moves at one point! There's this complicated side position that I'm sure if I had a few goes at it I'd master it with the finesse of a ballet dancer! During the video I looked at my sister in law and said "how will we remember these steps?". Well, I will tell ya, while you're in the booth there's a woman's voice telling you what you need to be doing! But pay attention! She ain't messing around! You better assume the position with the quickness because she's going to let that spray fly in seconds! If you don't watch yourself you might get sprayed in the face twice!! Anyway, before you enter the booth, you throw on a plastic shower cap, tuck all of your hair in and make sure your ears aren't covered. Then put the barrier lotion on your hands, the bottom of your feet and your finger nails. This will ensure that your palms and the bottom of your feet don't turn crazy colors! When you're being sprayed it feels like a light mist of water. First, Your front gets sprayed. I automatically wanted to wipe my face at this point! Don't do that or scrunch up your face! You don't want lines! Just relax! Then you turn so your back gets it. Then you turn to your right side and make this goofy pose that looks like some greek god, then to the left. By this time you feel wet! But, at the end of the spray process there's a drying process. I felt like it was drying me but at the same time it didn't feel like it fully dried me. Know what I'm saying. Now that all the spraying and posing and drying is done you step out of the booth CAREFULLY! The bottom of your feet will be wet with spray! I noticed that there were spots on my arms that the spray was pooled. I took my little hand towel and dabbed it dry, being careful not to smear! Remember how I said "It puts the lotion on it's skin and does what it's told?" or something like that! Well, I apparently didn't apply enough barrier lotion because the palms of my hands look very Latino! The bottoms of my feet are just as dark! Did I feel sticky? Ummmm....NOT really, just felt like I put on tanning lotion. My face did feel a little oily though. But it always does if I don't use my oil control goo after I shower. And by the way, before you get your tan on, make sure you exfoliate and skip the lotion! You want to go in there clean and unlotioned! I didn't even put on makeup! Over all, I found the experience enjoyable. Would I do it again? yes and no! I think I would rather have a human spray me to make sure I get an even coat. I'd like my legs and shoulders to be darker too! And I'd rather use a spray that isn't a red base. I don't feel like I'm over the top tan but I normally get a great tan after a couple of trips to the tanning salon. Thank you lord for blessing me with the gift of pigment! This silly little adventure was one of the moments in my life where I stepped out of my comfort zone. I laughed at myself a time or two because there I was naked in an oversized shower booth, holding my breathe and basically doing a dance routine! To me it was funny!

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