Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

If I were a Federal Agent....

They say "Write what you know" but I gotta tell ya, I don't know a lot.  I do watch a lot of television though! So, I feel like I know just enough to get me started. Then I do some research and fill in the blanks. Sometimes it's hard to put myself in my characters shoes....because if I were a Federal Agent, I'd probably shoot someone. Honest to chocolate. I shouldn't be trusted with a gun! I've spent many nights laying in bed watching crime shows. My family thinks I'm insane. I think I'm dedicated.

Anyway, here's another snippet. Don't laugh at it.

   “Trying to get a look at the Menu?” he jokes, giving me a sly grin. Before he can get away, I stop him, pulling a small photo out of my clutch, making sure to hide my lock pick set under a tissue. I put a set of cuffs in the clutch before leaving the office earlier but was afraid that if by some chance I opened the thing and the cuffs fell out it would look bad. I mean, who brings cuffs to singles night... This Girl!
   My Dad has taught me so much over the years. One of the things he says over and over is that everyone is a potential witness, a potential bad guy or a potential pain in the ass. I hope this guy can be an asset so I show him the photo of Mr. Big, asking if he’s seen him tonight. He takes a long look at the photo and my cleavage. When he finally shakes his head no I swear I hear rocks rattling around. I give him a sickly sweet smile, trying not to act on the fact that I feel violated by his dirty stares and ask if he would be interested in helping me out. I mean, it’s the least he can do considering how long he openly drooled over my boobs. He agrees, gives me a wink and goes on about his business.

Alrighty then. That's enough for now! Thanks for stopping in! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far! :)

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