Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Lifestyle

Today is the first day of the rest of my new life......I mean lifestyle.

I am learning that making diet changes and becoming more active is a lifestyle change. So, I'm going to make a list of the things I will do differently from now on.

Carry a water bottle instead of a styrofoam cup of Mt. Dew and ice everywhere I go.

Park at the back of the parking lot no matter where I go.

Take the stairs, always, no matter how many floors up!

Grilled, never fried. Or nothing at all til you get home.

No ice cream.

No Sweet Tea.

No candy bars.

More veggies & protien.

Always eat breakfast.

Stay active.

Stay positive.

Stay Focused.

My Personal Trainer.......jk
This is going to be a challenge. I was an hour into this epiphany yesterday and almost fell off of the wagon. I stopped at the gas station after picking my son up from school. I would normally walk into the store and head straight to the fountain drink machine. Yesterday, it was no different until my son grabbed me by the shoulders and directed me to the cooler that held bottled water. Good looking out Son! I bought a very large bottle of water. I noticed as we were driving I kept reaching for my styrofoam wasn't there. It's just habit. So, I am re-programming myself to reach for a bottle of water instead. More water! I am not giving up pop, or as some say, soda. I am simply cutting back. I am proud to say that I have not had Mt. Dew in 24 hours. Tonite when I go to the movies to see "One for the Money" I will have a cup full of ice and Mt. Dew. Let's see if I can control my urge to chug it! I'm not much of a candy person when I watch a movie. I use to eat popcorn until it began to irritate my stomach. I'm a chip person! I love salty chips! If they had some baked lays I might be open to a bag of those but if not, I will refrain from snacking. Eating a sensible dinner before hand is my best bet!

At some point during the upcoming week, I will have someone take my measurements so I can keep track of my starting point. Last night I visited Anytime Fitness, if you're not familiar with them, you can find them online. I am not sure if they are in your area. I am impressed with the local set up. They have a tanning bed for crying out loud! I spent an hour on the treadmill. I was a little jelly legged when I got done. But, it felt good to move. I'm on a 14 day trial run. In 14 days I will decide if I want to buy a membership. I figure the money I'm saving on not buying fountain drinks will pay for my membership if I do decide to join. I feel like I am more likely to work out if I am a member. If I try to do it at's probably not going to happen. I will have so many lame excuses staring me in the face if I try to "do it" at home.

I've made this choice, to lose weight, be more active, eat healthier because I want to set a good example for my family. Not just my kids. My husband, My Mom, my friends, the girls I mentor.........I want to be the best me! I want to live longer! I want to wear my Capt. Jack Sparrow shirt again. I won't wear it in public......often. I just really like that shirt! And it's a belly shirt on me now. So, I think if I shrink myself, I'll fit!

This is a big thing to ask. But, would you join me? Would you be willing to make the change too? Make the changes to be a healthier person. Work with me! We can encourage each other! Come on! Pour out that sugary drink! Get your stretchy pants on! Let's get moving!

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