Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Monday, September 3, 2012

A summer review

Is it seriously time for the kids to go back to school? The summer was too hot and not nearly long enough! My oldest son is a senior this year (pulls out several tissue from box) and I'm not ready for his graduation. I remember his first day of school like it was yesterday! Time does fly by!

At the beginning of the summer, I promised myself I would read and write everyday while the kids were out for summer break. Did I stay true to that promise?

Of course I didn't! I have children who think me holding a book or notebook is a sign that I'm bored and need something to do. So I was unable to meet my writing goals but did surpass my reading goal! Go me! I keep track of that on Goodreads, don't ask me how many books I read. I stopped counting at six.

Sometimes we set unrealistic goals for ourselves and it sucks when we look back and see that we didn't meet any of them. But!!!! As long as we try and never give up, we're doing something right. Even if you're spinning your tires, at least you're pushing on the gas (being productive, trying, etc.).... Sure sounds like a good one to me!

So, I took a trip to my Moms in Arkansas this summer. It was a spur of the moment trip because my Mom had to have surgery. I wanted to be there to take care of her. So I piled the kids and the laptop in the Jeep and hit the road. I normally don't drive the entire twelve hours that it takes to get there but this time my husband stayed behind to reclaim some of his sanity. I managed to make it to my Moms and back without any incident or speeding tickets. The time in the car was actually enjoyable. We burned two CD's with our road trip music and sang until we just couldn't sing anymore. Actually, now that I think about it, the boys did have their earbuds in their ears quite a bit. And here I thought they put up with my singing very well.

I wanted to stop everywhere and take pictures of the things we saw but we got held up in traffic several times and the trip was already long enough. So, I had to settle for a picture of this cow! Isn't she cute!?

So, what's in store for me now? Well, once again I am promising to READ or Write each day. Preferably, WRITE since I am behind on that goal. I'm also putting together a baby shower for my sister, making some super cute things for that and I'll share them sometime in October. I am also job hunting, fingers crossed on that one. Mama needs a new bra and all that stuff.

I tried out several pinterest recipes over the summer and hope to share them with you. I like to test them out and then let you know how it turned out or what I did differently! So, what's new with you?

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