Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I was recently in a conversation with an old friend who I keep up with on facebook. He caught me online yesterday and pulled me into chat. He asked what I've been up to. But before I could answer he said "Nevermind! All I need to do is look at your wall here on fb and see what you do every hour of the day!". Then he proceeded to give me sh!t about it.

First of all, I don't post every single hour of the day! And second, I do believe people care what I do. Otherwise I wouldn't have so many people reading my blog (granted I am my only follower......but people read it!). And let me tell you, if I don't post to my blog, I hear from people. If you don't want to see what I'm doing each day, there's a simple solution. You don't have to be my friend or you don't have to read it.

I post things about my children...... a lot! They are my life. I post about my craft class but not very often or in detail.  I post about things that irritate me. Because being easily irritated is one of my many traits. I post about music I like, movies I want to see, things that make me laugh, people who inspire me and occasionally I will share a recipe. These are things you share with your friends. I don't post anything I wouldn't say to a friend. I post often because I am a social person taking advantage of a social NETWORK. I don't have a job outside of the home that gives me social time. My outside social time consists of interacting with the cashier at the grocery store or the teenage girls I mentor at my craft class! I spend the majority of my time at home, alone, with a toddler. Please excuse me if I reach out to my friends on facebook to share a random thought. But, Thank you to those of you who do understand that I am a little nutty at times and do share a bit more often than most folks. I do appreciate all of you. You've helped me through some very hard times in my life.

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