Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Friday, January 13, 2012

Looking Forward

Right now, in order to avoid falling asleep too early I am thinking of all of the things that I look forward to in 2012! Really, there are so many things that I look forward to! I'm hoping that my son decides to go to Prom! That is something I didn't do as a teen and wish I would've! Some say it's never too late to throw an adult Prom but, honestly, I don't know if I have enough Muchness in me to pull that off just yet! I'll work my way up to that epicness! But that would be a great co-ed Wedding Shower theme wouldn't it? Especially for the couple who knew each other in high school but went to prom with someone else. Oh. to think of the level of sweetness that would bring! Makes my heart sing.........[exhale] 

I also look forward to all of the awesome movies that will be released in the theatre! ONE FOR THE MONEY! If you're a fan of the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evonovich, you will not want to miss this movie. It looks great! We'll be seeing several fairy tale themed movies this year, Snow White and the Huntsman, which I am looking forward to. But more importantly I am looking forward to the 1st movie in the Hunger Games Trilogy! I've said it before and I will say it a million kazillion times. LOVED that series! If you are a book worm like me, you have to read it! I don't care who you are, it's a great read! 

Speaking of books, I am looking forward to making my way through a few different series of books this year. I finished "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" just as the year came to a close. So now I need to finish up that series. I am also starting a new series by Kim Harrison.  It's a paranormal mystery. My truly wonderful sister in law tells me I will not be disappointed in this series and if it's good enough for her, well then, it's good enough for me! The first book in the series is "Dead Witch Walking" and I read the first page and decided that it was going to be great! So, I look forward to reading the series which I believe boasts either 8 or 9 books. I could be totally off and it has 10 books. Either way, it excites me! 

I'm looking forward to seeing how my children evolve, especially my boys who are becoming young adults. I am so proud of them already. It would be nice if they'd let me get a good photo of them though. But I have an idea that might solve that problem and I look forward to trying it out! [insert sinister laugh] I look forward to spring when my plants will poke through the ground and reveal themselves. The warm summer sun and time in the back yard with the toddler. This year I'm growing a small garden. Soon, I will be starting seeds indoors. I look forward to that because it seems that kids always light up when they see how the seeds you poked into soil are now tiny little plants!

So much to look forward to this year! I am truly blessed. What are you looking forward to?

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