Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Let's celebrate a well done celebration!

I don't think my family knows how to kill a celebration! They kill deer and other wild game but killing a celebration isn't on our list of things to massacre! It just isn't done! We know how to enjoy family even if half of them drive you batshit crazy! Last week I attended my Uncle's funeral. I tried to view it as a celebration of life instead of a funeral. That was a very hard thing to do. As my 14 year old will tell you, I am a cryer! I wear my heart on my sleeve! I pick up on the emotions around me and the tears start to flow! So, it was difficult to make it through this celebration of life without shedding a tear or two! But, my family didn't hold back the good memories or the laughter! We shared a good laugh and many comforting hugs. I saw family that I hadn't seen in years. I saw family that I might've offended the last time I saw them. It has happened! But like I said before I have changed. And I hate myself for being that person and I am sorry for anything I said that might've been out of line. Anyhoo, Let me say this. My Aunt and cousins did a fantastic job organizing this celebration of life and I know they didn't do it alone. There were so many extended family members who pulled together just like they've done in the past. My Uncle was truly blessed to have so many supporters.

Today, I will attend another celebration. A graduation celebration (that's fun to say!). And I know this celebration will be just as smashing as any other to-do that has been thrown in the name of fun! Graduation. Do you remember that day? High School graduation had to be a proud day for my Mom. I think she should've been the one wearing the cap and gown since she was the one who probably worked the hardest to get me through high school. I just didn't want to be there! And it became even more difficult to convince myself that going to school was the best way to spend my time! I'm sorry but I didn't have a lot of love for my fellow students who made it obvious that I was indeed below them on the food chain. But that's Ok! I'm happy now and they are fat! So I think it evens out in the long run. There are so many reasons to celebrate! Let's look past the obvious reasons to throw a party (birthdays, weddings, new births, and anniversaries). Get to work in the morning and celebrate the fact that you have a job! Or celebrate not having a cold sore! I know I'm thankful! Today I celebrate a smart young woman's accomplishments and tomorrow I will celebrate the fact that I have a clean laundry room! Don't wait for a special occasion to pop up on the calendar! Make a special occasion! Get together with family because you want to celebrate the fact that you have family, dysfunctional or otherwise! Don't wait for someones death like I did.

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