Me being Mom

Me being Mom
photo by Anna Marie Pictorials

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Haters Gonna Hate

It will never cease to amaze me how ignorant people can be or how hurtful they can be when sharing their opinion, which I never asked for in the first place! I'm not wearing a T-shirt that says "How's my crafting? Call 1-800-SHUT-IT" So, please keep your negative Hater speech to yourself ! Geesh! ....... Whew! There. That feels better. I wish I could say I hate to put this on you like that but, I'd like to share my frusrtation with you! lol! You don't mind!

It all started because I was a pink polka dot fabric away from being done with my bunting. (Bunting is that fancy flag decoration that people hang from the ceiling at parties and used car carnivals and yard know! The flags are shaped like triangles or rectangles! Yeah. Those!) Nothing a quick trip to the local fabric/craft store wouldn't fix! I had a coupon. It's all good! I knew right where the fabric was that I needed so I grabbed it, got in line at the cutting table and struck up a convo with the lady wielding the scissors. She spied the fabric I was holding and knew just what it was for. I told her my plans during an earlier trip for white muslin. She loved the idea and said she wanted to see the finished product! So, here we were discussing how the bunting project was going and this nosey lady in line behind me starts putting in her two cents. Normally I wouldn't mind. I like to talk! But she was really opinionated and negative. It was almost to the point of being a bully! So, I turned my back to her and ignored her questions and comments. She didn't seem to get the hint. Too subtle for her I guess! She kept on about how horrible she thought my bunting idea was! Ummmmm....Them's fightin' words Heffer!

My theme for the wedding is a DIY vintage country chic affair. I'm not trying to be glamorous or perfect! I just want to do it and not spend a fortune. That's why I haven't paid full price for anything I've gotten for the wedding so far! Not because I'm cheap but I'm on a serious budget. We have teenagers, a toddler and a spoiled rotten cat to provide for! I can't afford to be willy-nilly with the money, know what I'm saying? So in order to keep the cost down and stay with my theme I decided to use old fabric I hi-jacked from my Granny mixed in with some new clearance/sale fabric, all of which matches my color scheme. I chose to leave the edges of the material un-sewn for that vintage feel and instead of taking the time to cut out 14 ft long pieces of fabric to use as my line I got the idea to use twine! It's very country and cheap and well, I like it! I hot glued the fabric flags on to make it look like I took the time to sew them on and I think it looks lovely! I'm very happy with the way it turned out. I could go on and on about how happy I am about them. But I'll spare you this time! So anyhoo, the Hater in line behind me found fault with everything about my bunting. She didn't like the fact that the fabric could fray! The twine! Oh lord I thought she'd pass out when I said I used twine! Apparantly, twine isn't wedding appropriate! lol! Neither is my groom! But he'll be there! She wanted to know what I had written on the flags of the bunting. I answered "nothing". She said "well isn't that the whole point of bunting?". I nicely replied "Not in this case! I needed something to dress up the windows without taking away from the rest of the room! And that's just what it does!". Well, that only prompted her to explain to me why she thought it was going to look awful and how I'd be sorry for doing it that way! I can only take so much until a sarcastic comment sneaks out of the corner of my mouth! And that was the moment! A stranger who has never met me or has no idea what my "STYLE" is has the audacity to tell me that I will be sorry for creating something I have dreamed about in my wedding dreams.......Oh Heck NO she didn't! So, I said "When did Martha Stewart die?". There was a long pause. Everyone in line was quiet. There were a lot of confused looks, then the Hater says "Oh! Dear Lord?! Did she die [panic stricken]?" I said "Well, she must have died and left you the planner police! Because you seem to think you know how to run my show!! You have all these opinions about my creation and whether or not I will be happy with it! ". Finally! The woman stops talking! The crappy comments have ceased and her mouth is hanging open! Ahhhh! Sweet silence! So, I grabbed my polka dot fabric and cashed in my coupon at the door!

For a minute she made me second guess myself. Then I remembered how happy I was when I finished that 1st section of bunting, hung it up and fell in love with it! Woman! Hate my bunting all you want! But, I love it and that's all that matters! So, if you're planning a wedding or any other social event and you are in love with your success, don't let a Hater get you down! A Hater's gonna hate! You just go on with your bad self and blow your own horn! Don't let 'em sway you from your vision! It's just that.....YOUR VISION!! If you make something and then realize that your vision isn't quite right then that's your call! Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise.

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